Solución a las cicatrices

La existencia de cicatrices en el cuerpo por cirugías anteriores en el abdomen o en tórax e incluso en los miembros, y que están adheridas a planos más profundos o que se han ensanchado y a veces incluso producen dolor al tocarlas, son susceptibles de revisión quirúrgica para solucionar estos problemas y mejorarlas.

Hay casos por ejemplo donde una mala cicatrización por una cesárea puede llevar hasta a un serio problema de relaciones entre una pareja debido a las molestias o a la inseguridad de la mujer por el desnudo.

No hay una goma de borrar, ni siquiera el tan venerado laser que a veces utilizamos para su tratamiento, pero la extirpación quirúrgica de la cicatriz, solucionando los problemas que tenga y realizando una nueva sutura, hace que una cicatriz muy visible, oscura, con zonas retractiles que duelen con movimientos o al tacto y que son muy visibles, se conviertan en unas simples líneas blancas casi imperceptibles y que no suponen ninguna molestia física o problema psicológico para el o la paciente.

Son cirugías normalmente de corta duración, realizadas bajo anestesia local y de forma ambulante, que requieren de un postoperatorio no doloroso y de rápida recuperación.

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Why is it best?

  • Makes the body slenderer and the figure more beautiful
  • Effectively reduces cellulite problems
  • Cleanses the body of waste substances and repairs blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Makes the skin smoother, more elastic, softer and revitalises dry skin
  • Reduces muscular and joint pains

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Implant Types

  • Filling type: Saline, Silicone Gel, or Highly Cohesive Silicone “Gummy Bear” Implants. Neither is “best,” but there are some differences in cost, feel, and incision requirements that you need to consider. Your cosmetic surgeon will help you find the right implant type for you.
  • Shape: Saline & Silicone Gel implants are typically round, while gummy bear implants come in shaped and round options. Round implants will typically achieve a fuller upper pole (the top portion of your breast), while shaped implants lend a gently sloping look to your breast profile. Both can look very natural with a skilled cosmetic surgeon’s help.
  • Profile: Your cosmetic surgeon will help you choose this based on your existing proportions and your goals. Generally, patients with a more petite frame will require a higher profile implant to achieve the desired size increase while ensuring the implants are not too wide at the base.
  • Size: Breast implants range in size from about 150cc to 800cc or larger. Many patients require a different sized breast implant for each breast; this helps to achieve the best possible symmetry. The size you choose depends on your existing breast size, your personal goals, and your cosmetic surgeon’s recommendations.

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Successful Revision Surgery After a Bad Reconstruction
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.
Stephen ChowActor
Dr. Parson Does Great Work
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.
Brie LarsonActor
48 Yrs Old Desired Lift and Fluff!
The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
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